What to know at 20 for benefit when you are 40

Adam Marchick
2 min readNov 29, 2021


We are wrapping up the first edition of the Building a Billion Dollar Company class at Emory University, and as a capstone, I leave you with some parting thoughts.

I am so excited for your future careers and future lives — the possibilities are limitless.

Please keep in touch!



What to know at 20 for benefit when you are 40

● The power of compounding

If you do one thing for your financial future, put $5,000 into a Wealthfront account. Set a reminder 10 years from now to review it.

i.e., an investment you don’t have to worry about or watch

Even better if it is in an IRA during your first year of work

Tax-free compounding is a beautiful thing

● Decide what you are ‘long’ on for the next 10+ years

A secret to Warren Buffet’s success — he was long America’s economic growth. While he made several great individual investments, his macro thesis is what drove most of Berkshire Hathaway’s returns.

A rising tide lifts all boats.

● Figure out what you don’t love; it is as important as finding your life’s mission

If you don’t love it, stop doing it



Adam Marchick

Investor & 3x Founder —Active Investor (15+ private investments); Founder/CEO Alpine.AI (through acq. by Headspace Health); Founder/CEO Kahuna; Founder/ED Glow.